1991 Continued

This is the continuation of my musical year of 1991.  It picks up where Mr. Speekeazy got it's start.  The name of the band was a result of input from all four members.  There are links to selected shows, so be sure to check those out as well.

July 27th, 1991 - Mr Speekeazy.
Band members:
Kenny Harrelson on lead guitar and lead vocals
Jess Hurlbert on bass guitar
Brian Mallow on drums
Doug McNew on rhythm guitar and lead vocals

Mr. Speekeazy began practicing in a Tae Kwon Doe dojo located in Carmi, Illinois.  Their first three practices were held there, on July 27th, August 3rd and August 8th.  And also at this time, my cousin Michael Hucker and I began recording a southern gospel album and we called ourselves The Southernaires.  These sessions started on August 6th, 1991.  Concurrently, Mr. Speakeazy kept practicing for their first performance, which came on August 23rd, 1991 and was an outdoor gig at the Ridenours' house in Brownsville, Illinois once again.  Michael Hucker below:

Mr. Speekeazy promo pictures by Kenneth Dwain Harrelson.

By September 1991, Mr. Speekeazy had rented a practice room out at the old military radar base in Carmi, Illinois.  Our next performance came soon after when we played Norris City Dairy Days on September 27th, 1991.  Our third and last gig was held near McLeansboro, Illinois at a outdoor wedding reception on October 12th, 1991.  Also during the first half of October, The Southernaires continued recording tracks for their first album.  When the recording for our first gospel album It Was Jesus was completed, Mr. Speekeazy also faded away and never performed again.  On a side note, starting in January 1991 and continuing throughout the year, Eric Dismuke and I started writing and recording some songs and by January 2nd, 1992, we became the two-man band Terror In Tucson.  Some recordings of Terror In Tucson can be found here and here.

My timeline for 1991 looks like this:
January 1st - April 6th.......................Hot Ice (Danny Downs, Joey Downs, Kenny Harrelson, Will Anderson.)
April 7th - April 11th.........................Hot Ice (Danny Downs, Joey Downs, Kenny Harrelson, Will Anderson, Eric Dismuke.)
April 14th - May 2nd.........................Foreplay (Kenny Harrelson, Joey Downs, Will Anderson, Eric Dismuke, Willie Elliot.)
May 11th - May 18th........................High Risk (Kenny Harrelson, Eric Dismuke, Jess Hurlbert, Brian Mallow.)
May 24th - June 8th...........................High Risk (Kenny Harrelson, Eric Dismuke, Jess Hurlbert, Kip Russell.)
July 27th - October 12th.....................Mr. Speekeazy (Kenny Harrelson, Jess Hurlbert, Brian Mallow, Doug McNew.)
August 6th - October 14th..................The Southernaires (Kenny Harrelson, Michael Hucker.)
January 7th - December 1991.............Eric Dismuke and I wrote songs, four of which ended up on our first Terror In Tucson album, released on July 10th, 1992.

In essence, I spent most of 1991 in one band that continually kept evolving members and names.  On January 2nd, 1992, Eric Dismuke and I started recording our first album, which turned out to be Northern Song.  We had a lot of fun doing it and recorded way too much music to fit on a single album.  Details about those sessions can be found by clicking on the link below.